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Flu vaccine

The flu vaccine helps protect against flu, which can be a serious or life-threatening illness. It’s offered on the NHS every year in autumn or early winter to people at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu.

How to book your flu vaccine

Please call the surgery on 020 8542 2827 during our opening times to book your flu vaccine with one of our nurses.

If you are housebound please contact the surgery to arrange a home visit.

Who should have the flu vaccine

The flu vaccine is recommended for people at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu.

It’s offered on the NHS every year in autumn or early winter.

You can get the free NHS flu vaccine if you are:

  • Aged 65 or over (including those who will be 65 by 31 March 2025)
  • Under 65 who have certain long-term health conditions such as;

Heart Disease.
Liver Disease.
Kidney Disease.
Respiratory Disease.
Neurological Disorder.
Splenic Dysfunction/Asplenia.

  • Have a learning disability.
  • Are pregnant.
  • Are the main carer for an older or disabled person.

Live with someone who has a weakened immune system.