Evening and weekend appointments are available at this GP practice or at an NHS service nearby – including for your vaccinations, health checks and screenings.
Northwest Merton Primary Care Network (PCN)
Primary Care Networks (PCN) are groups of GP surgeries, located within close proximity to each other, who work together to better meet the needs of their local population.
The PCN to which your surgery belongs, is called Northwest Merton PCN.
Led by our two jointly appointed clinical directors, we are made up of the following surgeries serving a population of just over 35,000 people:
- Alexandra Surgery
- Vineyard Hill Road Surgery
- Wimbledon Medical Practice
- Wimbledon Village Surgery
As well as working together, we form close working relationships with community, pharmacy, hospital, social care, mental health and voluntary services enabling a more tailored and coordinated approach to your care.
Starting in October, we will be responsible for delivering the new enhanced access service across our PCN. Appointments will be available at various times and locations, including evenings and Saturdays.
Please ask our reception staff for more information on the hours and locations available, or to book an appointment.
PCN booklet
You may have received a booklet in the post from us over February and March 2023.
The booklets are full of useful and easy to digest information relating to:
- the PCN and how we are working for you
- medical hot-topics and self-help guides
- pathways to access local and national services
When producing these booklets, it was our intention for our patients to use them:
- to feel enabled and empowered to seek the right help at the right time,
- as a visual and / or written tool for easy access to self-help information
- as a directory to local and national services for self-referral where appropriate
We have produced these booklets in multiple languages accessible by clicking on the Green Pages links below:
- English
- Bengali
- French
- Hindi
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Somali
- Spanish
- Tamil
- Pakistan (Urdu)
- Korean
Please note that these booklets and their contents are copywritten and may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the express consent of a representative from Northwest Merton Primary Care Network.
The materials within the above links may be printed for non-commercial personal use only © COPYRIGHT NORTHWEST MERTON PCN 2023
Dr Tim’s run
Dr Tim is one of our PCN’s clinical directors and works at one of our member surgeries; Wimbledon Village.

Our Dr Tim is running 106km around the Isle of Wight; even when there is nothing wrong with his car!
So ‘why’ I hear you ask.
He is doing this for St Raphael’s Hospice because he believes they are awesome!
As a local GP working in the South West London, we rely more than ever on voluntary and charitable organisations to support in delivering care to our patients, often at the worst moment of their lives. Support at the end of someone’s life is incredibly complex and St Raphael’s have been a tower of strength locally for decades.
If you would like to support Tim, you can donate via his JustGiving page.
A message from Tim: “Thank you for your support. It means a great deal to so many.”