Register with the surgery

Catchment area

Before filling out a registration form, check you are in our catchment area.

Registering with the surgery

We are using a new online service that makes it easy to register with our GP surgery.

Just fill in this quick online form to start the process. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.

However, it is helpful to have your NHS number. You can use the NHS website to find your NHS number.

The service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe. It cuts our administrative workload and makes it easier for you to register.

Complete the online form

Paper forms are still available if you need one.

To register with the surgery, download and fill in the following form and email it to

If you are unable to email the form to us, please post it through our letterbox or hand a completed copy to reception.

Make sure the document is fully completed, or we will be unable to process your registration.

Download a paper version of the digital service.
Patient registration form PDF, (249 KB), 8 pages.

Registering a patient under the age of 14

If you are registering a patient under the age of 14, please complete both forms below:

Related information

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